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They requireprovide techniques to put the probabilities discipline and confidence and the egoin your favor, but you must be in the proper strength to take responsibilty for our ac-frame of mind to use them profitably. They are also how arecognition and trend analysis in this book professional trader trades. The second lesson is to keep your emo- These observations seem cold and calculat-tions out ofyour trading. Theyknow what you just did?' may be thought of as the grammar of how the market speaks, in the same way howHe looked at me like he had just come out words relate are the building blocks of language. The patterns that evolve areturned to him and quietly, 'LP do you always similiar but seldom the same. The trader's analysis suggests when, where, andAfter a few minutes of watching him stew, I to what extent.
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The successful traderagainst him and ignored a number of other makes bad decisions based on the prob-possibilities we were considering as he let abilities that the inherent harmony of thehis frustration and annoyance with himself markets will repeat itself, i.e.what has hap-grow.
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He watched the price go he did to himself. It owes himstop, which immediately started going or us nothing. It doesn'tbroker and put on a very bad trade with no know that he's alive. The conversation did not go well plain, 'Look at what the market did to meand when LP put the receiver in the cradle today?' The market did NOTHING to thathe immediately picked it back up, dialed his individual or anybody else. How manywatching the market and LP was on the times have all of us heard someone com-phone. One morning we were sion, it's okay with the market. If we choose to act on bad a deci-A case in point.
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It doesn't care about who we are or what we do. He saw my face change market is what it is, and does what it does.and slipped back into the non-serious LP. Focus on what youlooking for what I expected and started are doing, how you are doing it, and mostlooking at what was there, the patterns just important of all, why you are doing it. First, when you trade, try to think ofOf course he was right. Just look at what's there We identified a number of lessons to beand what you DO see.' learned from the actions of those few min- utes. 'Pay about what just happened.'attention. Always the friend and teacher, he said without embarassment, 'Let's talkFor a rare moment he was serious. How will myself get emotional.' He immediatleyI know what I'm looking at?' I protested, dialed his broker and closed the trade with awithoutthinkingmyobjection through. He gave me (lie and true professional that he is, said, 'Doc,chart and told me to look for the patterns. He knew exactly what I meantwhat the time bars were.
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Whether it was a stock or commodity, or of a trance.
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